Sunday, May 11, 2014

After the writer's block

Hmmm...when did I come to this place last? I don't know. There was a time when I was a frequent visitor here. There was a time when writing was my escape route from problems. Poeple have many ways to cope with realities of life. Some grab the positive ways and some negative. My way was through writing. Sometimes I wrote fictitious stories and sometimes from my own experience. I struggled to decide whether to make my life an open book or not. What I could not share, I buried it deep into my heart. Neverthles, writing gave me immense joy. I was beginning to realize my passion.
But before it could blossom, it was frozen. Was it writer's block? Hmm....

Every time I had struggle on returning to my passion, something blocked me. Definitely it was not the writer's block due to lack of ideas. But the changes in my own life and the impact it has on people around me, who love me, sometimes constrained me.

Life took unexpected turns. But if I think back, it might not be unexpected. The script writer of our lives has made those with perfect timings. I moved on in life. I got married to Simi, a good friend of mine. I moved out of India, on my first overseas posting. And now, I got the best gift I could ever imagine....a baby girl.

I am regaining my strengths to come back to my passion...write whats in my mind. I hope the writer's block in any form will not stop me.

Miri, Malaysia

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