Today, I wore the cap of a teacher one more time...do not remember how many times I have done this..but I am sure of one thing....I love this job...of a teacher..it is one of the best professions in the world.
Well..I didn't become a professor or lecturer in any university. I was just taking some classes to the young graduates in the company I work for. I was teaching them techniques in Reservoir Modeling...a domain of my expertise. While teaching them, I remembered few incidents in my career, when I took the role of a teacher...nice memories.
Since college days, I liked teaching. Making someone understand a subject, was an exciting task for me. The joy I get on realizing that the person with me, understood the things I explained...is immense. That's why like the job of a teacher.
Well.. I could have been a faculty in some university, teaching students, Geology. But, to get into a good university, I needed to do PhD also. I was thinking of doing PhD. But, when I completed post graduation, I had a lucrative job at hand. Then I had to choose between job and PhD. Looking at my messy financial state at that time, I took a decision to go for a job rather than pursuing PhD.
While working with Schlumberger in Delhi and Mumbai, I got plenty of opportunities to take classes to colleagues, and customers. My expertise was on certain software applications, used widely in the Oil and gas Industry. I was happy then. Though not in universities, I could teach...and I enjoyed teaching. After 7 years with Schlumberger, I joined Shell Technology India in the silicon valley of India, Bangalore. Here also I continue teaching colleagues and young graduates on certain things, which are my forte.
Today was one such day...when I could forget other things around me...and passionately teach my "students" what I know.
Except few uncomfortable situations, most of the times these teaching sessions gave me great satisfaction. Two of those memorable events I would share here.
Must be in 2002 or 2003...don't remember exactly...I was asked by my boss to coordinate a training program for the officers of ONGC (National Oil Company) Chennai. I had to fly to Chennai , to their office and conduct the month long training program . Of the month long training program, I was the teacher for few weeks. Other weeks were covered by teachers of other subjects.
When I entered the class room , I was bit nervous. About 15 pairs of eyes were staring at me. Average age of the student group there, was about 45. Most of them having seniority more than my age. I was just a new kid in the block.
After the starting trouble for the initial few minutes, I indulged myself completely in teaching. All those seniors in front of me, transformed into just “students”. I knew that in my subject, I had a command over them. With regained confidence, I continued teaching. So the teaching sessions went well. After a month, when all the sessions were over, I was preparing to wind up the engagement and go back to my office in Delhi. Then, one of my "students" from ONGC office, mentioned to me about a small close-out function, where the chief person would be their boss. I was asked to be present at the function. Having finished all the assignments, I was more than happy to be there. I agreed.
When the function started, I realized that, it was meant for me..a small felicitation function for the training I imparted.
The senior most student of my class, an officer with nearly 30 years of experience, came forward to speak few words. He said
"In the beginning of the training, when we saw a college boy as our trainer, I am sure that many of us had apprehensions about the quality of the training and the knowledge of the trainer. But today, I am sure none of us have that apprehension. Jose has proved that. We want to give him a small memento from our side"
He then handed over to me a marble memento...first gift I received from customers, for teaching them...I didn't know what to say. More than the memento, the words of appreciation from the officers whose experience is mostly more than my age..that was the biggest reward.
During my tenor with Schlumberger, I gave trainings to many people all over India. I travelled to all parts of India…Chennai, baroda, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Delhi and Duliajan (Assam) . I made good network of professional friends through these training sessions. The role played by those assignments in shaping my career is really great.
In Shell, I conducted many coaching sessions for the young graduates, who were newly inducted into the company. It was fun too. Once a teaching session is over, a good rapport is made between me and all my students. One day, all those graduates invited me and Leena for a party. Initially I thought that it is just like any other party. But later, I realized that it was made to "honor" their teacher .. wah.. It was a good feeling.
We had a get- together in a hotel near by. They presented me a gift..a show case piece made of crystal . I was proud that I could touch a chord with those young guys.
I remembered the picture title..."to sir with love" . It is really a great experience to be honored by one’s own students.
I am sure, I will teach many more (if the almighty keep me alive for long). But the dream I cherish still remains...to be a professor in any university...be a full time teacher. Help many more students to mold their career..
I do not know whether I would be able to fulfill that dream or not.. Time will tell.
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